Synchronizing Contacts with an iPhone

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Work Around for Syncing Contacts with an iPhone

  1. Save Contacts from MS Outlook (MAPI Account) to Windows Contacts in vCard File (.vcf) Format.
    1. Install tool "MessageSave" form the following link:
    2. Open MS Outlook and Select "Contacts" Folder.
    3. Goto Tools > MessageSave > SaveMessages.
    4. Select "All messages in Current Folder (Contacts)" in the MessageSave Window.
    5. Select Destination Folder.
    6. Click on Options and Select vCard (.cvf) "Format" type from dropdown Menu.
    7. Hit "Save Now".
    8. Open Windows Contacts (From Start > All Programs).
    9. Click on "Import" and Select vCard (VCF file) and hit "Import".
    10. Select Destination Folder (from step 5).
    11. Select all saved Contacts and hit "Open".
    12. Close the "Import to Windows Contacts" Window.
  2. Transfer Contacts from Windows Contacts to iPhone:
    1. Open iTunes.
    2. Select "Info" Tab.
    3. Select "Windows Contacts" from drop down menu in "Sync Contacts With:".
    4. Select "All Contacts".
    5. Hit Sync.

NOTES: In Step 2.1 and 2.2 - when iTunes is opened, it might give the error saying “abnormal termination of OutlookSyncClient.exe”. Click “OK” and Disregard it.

When Step 2.3 is followed, it will say: “switching Contacts to Windows Contacts.” After this switching is done, syncing the contacts will be work fine each time.