Synchronizing Contacts with an iPhone
From Scalix Wiki
Work Around for Syncing Contacts with an iPhone
- Save Contacts from MS Outlook (MAPI Account) to Windows Contacts in vCard File (.vcf) Format.
- Install tool "MessageSave" form the following link: - Open MS Outlook and Select "Contacts" Folder.
- Goto Tools > MessageSave > SaveMessages.
- Select "All messages in Current Folder (Contacts)" in the MessageSave Window.
- Select Destination Folder.
- Click on Options and Select vCard (.cvf) "Format" type from dropdown Menu.
- Hit "Save Now".
- Open Windows Contacts (From Start > All Programs).
- Click on "Import" and Select vCard (VCF file) and hit "Import".
- Select Destination Folder (from step 5).
- Select all saved Contacts and hit "Open".
- Close the "Import to Windows Contacts" Window.
- Install tool "MessageSave" form the following link:
- Transfer Contacts from Windows Contacts to iPhone:
- Open iTunes.
- Select "Info" Tab.
- Select "Windows Contacts" from drop down menu in "Sync Contacts With:".
- Select "All Contacts".
- Hit Sync.
NOTES: In Step 2.1 and 2.2 - when iTunes is opened, it might give the error saying “abnormal termination of OutlookSyncClient.exe”. Click “OK” and Disregard it.
When Step 2.3 is followed, it will say: “switching Contacts to Windows Contacts.” After this switching is done, syncing the contacts will be work fine each time.