Upgrade and migrate to new server (11.3 to 12.x)

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Upgrade and migrate to new server (11.3 to 12.x)

Postby rthomasES » Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:07 am


We have a production system running Scalix 11.3 on a CentOS 5 server. We are moving to new hardware and I will use CentOS 7 plus the latest version of Scalix. I know that you can not upgrade in one step, that you have to upgrade to 11.4 first (http://www.scalix.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=75136). I have also read this comprehensive guide to upgrading from 11.4: http://www.scalix.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=75144#p161088.

My plan was to install Scalix 11.3 on the new server, move the data over from the live server then upgrade 11.3 to 11.4, 11.4 to 12.5. But I am having trouble installing 11.3 - it doesn't find the sasl library files despite the packages being installed. For example, on the old server I have libcrammd5.so.2 which links to libcrammd5.so.2.0.22. On the new server I have libcrammd5.so.3 which links to libcrammd5.so.3.0.00. The version of the sasl rpm on production is 2.1.22. I found the RPMs for that version but I had trouble installing them because the newer version (2.1.26) was required for other software installed on the server (sendmail and openldap). I tried copying over the contents of /usr/lib/sasl2 from the production server to test but the installer still says it needs, for example, libcrammd5.so.2 which is present. Should I be able to install Scalix 11.3 on CentOS 7? I should mention I had to edit /etc/redhat-release to fool Scalix into thinking it was RedHat Enterprise 5, so I accept that the answer might be no.

Will I have to upgrade the existing production server and then migrate to the new server in a separate step? The thing I don't like about that is the inability to do a dry run. I suppose I can find an old PC, install CentOS 5 and practice the upgrade on that, but if I could install 11.3 directly on CentOS 7 that would be by far the best option. A dry run on an old desktop PC won't give me any idea of the time it will take when I do it for real, and I need to be able to tell my boss and my colleagues roughly how long they will be without email.

One last question. If I upgrade the production server from 11.3 to 11.4 and something goes wrong, what is the rollback procedure? Which folders do I need to backup before I start and then restore to revert to 11.3?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Upgrade and migrate to new server (11.3 to 12.x)

Postby ScalixSupport » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:04 am

Scalix 11.3 is not supported on CentOS 7 . You would need to upgrade the existing server and then move to the new system.
Also note that, Scalix 12.5 is last version to support CentOS 5. So upgrading the production system to latest release Scalix 12.5.X or the upcoming Scalix 12.6 is also not an option.
You would need to upgrade the production system to Scalix 11.4 and then Scalix 12.5 and then move to the new server and later upgrade the new system to the latest Scalix release.

Scalix system upgrade does not involve much downtime and you can carry out the upgrade in phases over weekends.
You should always have a proper backup before you carry out the upgrades.
You would need to backup the whole /var/opt/scalix directory.

For rollback you would need to restore the /var/opt/scalix directory and run the 11.3 installer.

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Re: Upgrade and migrate to new server (11.3 to 12.x)

Postby rthomasES » Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:53 am


Thank you for your answer. I think the next step is to install CentOS 5 on a test PC, copy over our data and try out the upgrades.

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Re: Upgrade and migrate to new server (11.3 to 12.x)

Postby adikaram » Sat May 19, 2018 11:38 am

Hi.. I want to download 12.5 for centos 5.5..how can i download 12.5..please help me..i want to upgrade 11.4.6 to 12.5. almost 1000 users in 11.4.6.

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Joined: Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:15 pm

Re: Upgrade and migrate to new server (11.3 to 12.x)

Postby ScalixSupport » Wed May 23, 2018 5:03 am


Please find the below link to download scalix 12.5.0

Also Please note that CentOS 5.5 is not support by CentOS.

We will recommend upgrade your server in Version 12.7 with CentOS 7 there is major bug fixes.
If you have paid subscription for support please contact us at support@scalix.com we can help with migration.

Thanks a lot
Scalix Support Team

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